Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

It was only a matter of time...

The Corporate greed that has festered for too long in our country, infecting and destroying everything it touches, has finally given birth to the dawning of a revolution. It may be in its infancy, but, have no doubts about it, the revolution has begun.

It's good to know that people can still get pissed off enough to take to the streets and try to do something about it. Apathy is the Machine's greatest weapon. "The only thing Good has to do in order for Evil to be victorious is nothing." We've done nothing for far too long and Evil has benefitted from decades of apathy.

For the past two weeks, a movement has been swelling in the heart of the Financial District, Ground Zero for the greed that has taken over our country. The demonstrators are calling themselves Occupy Wall Street. It's a movement on behalf of the 99% of Americans who are currently enslaved by the 1% of wealthy Americans who have changed the rules of capitalism to benefit themselves and enslave and eradicate the middle class.

The mainstream media is doing its best to pervert the message of the protesters, painting them as lazy, dirty hippies who don't really know what they want, but the MSM is controlled by corporations so what do you expect? Click here to check out what's going on for yourself:

Planting the seeds of revolution is a start, but OWS needs to do much more if they're to be taken seriously. They need to unite as one behind a single banner and a single message. They need one or two clear objectives that everyone can agree on (I think passing the Buffet tax and ending the Afghan War would be two points a majority could agree on). They need a symbol and they need a leader. Those are the next steps on the road to a better America.

I encourage everyone to pay attention, take a stand, and do your part in transforming this country into something we can be proud of again...even if that means destroying it in the process.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Thoreau Day!


That was the sound of my 4th of July as some stupid little cunt with a smart phone (does anyone under the age of 16 really need a fucking smart phone?) took a picture of EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FIREWORK that was shot off during a public fireworks display.

My intense hatred of Independence Day is well documented ( but unlike the rest of you whiny bitches out there, I find solutions for my problems. Thus, instead of celebrating Independence Day from here on out, I now celebrate THOREAU DAY!

Thoreau Day is a day meant to honor Henry David Thoreau, famed practitioner of transcendentalism and civil disobedience. July 4th coincides with the day he began his famous experiment at Walden Pond. If you are too fucking stupid to know who Thoreau is and why he deserves to be honored, please stop reading now and go watch a bunch of bright lights and loud noises in the sky like the rest of the retards in this country. For the enlightened few out there, read on...

Thoreau Day shall be celebrated in the following manner: First, no picnics, fireworks, or social gatherings of any kind. Instead, solitude and self-reflection are required. Americans will celebrate by reading their favorite passages from Walden or Civil Disobedience, preferably isolated in the splendor of nature.

Second, purchases of any kind are prohibited on Thoreau Day, which is a celebration of minimalism and simplicity. In fact, no one is allowed to work at all on Thoreau Day. All businesses must close on July 4th regardless of the service they provide...including hospitals. If you injure or maim yourself on Thoreau Day, you're fucked. It's your fault for being stupid enough to injure yourself on a fucking holiday, you dipshit. You're supposed to be reading in the woods!

Finally, Americans should spend Thoreau Day judging and criticizing the United States government. Evaluation sheets should be completed (in triplicate) and shared with intelligent associates on July 5th. If the government is found to be performing at a sub-par rate, taxes will not be paid the following April.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Death to the Middle Class

There's a war raging in this country right now and the goal of this war is simple: eradicate the middle class. The wealthy in this country are intent on turning back the clock and returning to a feudal system where the wealthiest 1% rule over the land with an iron fist, suppressing the poor and working men and women into the grave, oiling the corporate machine with the blood of their working man.

For the past two weeks, union workers and their brethren have been protesting in Wisconsin against a bill that would all but eradicate a union's ability to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, thus making unions obsolete. I concede that unions do need to be reeled in, as, just like with any organization, they've become bloated and greedy. There's something wrong with a system where membership is all but mandatory with "fair share" rules that force workers to pay union dues whether or not they're actually part of the union. But to strip unions of their power to negotiate on behalf of their members is not only immoral but un-American.

What's happening in Wisconsin is a personal vendetta being carried out between a governor and the unions masked behind a facade of "budget reform." In a perfect world, unions would be unnecessary. This, however, is not the case. The men and women who sign the checks at the top of the financial food chain are greedy bastards who don't give a shit about the working man. They're more than willing to climb a mountain of working class corpses to get what they want. If the unions are allowed to fall in Wisconsin, it's just a nail in the coffin of working class America.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stupidity is Dangerous

We're learning a lot about ourselves as a nation from the Arizona massacre. A 22-year old shows up to a public appearance by his congresswoman with a gun and shoots up the place, killing six people before he's finally subdued - doesn't sound all that different from the other dozens of killing sprees our media-soaked culture is creating on a fairly regular basis. But this one's different somehow. It's difficult to explain but it just feels different.

If nothing else, we should learn one painfully simple lesson: Stupidity is dangerous.

Now a lot of people are blaming Sarah Palin for inciting this kid to kill Gabrielle Gifford with her cross-hair symbols and hate-filled speeches, but I simply don't think that's the case. There's no evidence that Sarah Palin inspired Jared Loughner to kill anyone (Although, if he's smart, he'll start blaming her ASAP).

But I'm glad the spotlight has captured Sarah Palin for what she truly is - a hate-filled ignorant slut. No, she had nothing to do with this murder, but that doesn't mean that the things she says aren't dangerous. It's dangerous to paint anyone who doesn't think the same way you do as "the enemy" and start vomiting redneck catchphrases like "Don't retreat; reload." Then you add in some cross hairs and what do you think people are going to do? People are stupid and violence takes very little cognitive ability. Stupidity and violence were the main ingredients in the Nazis' diet and that's all Palin is: a hate-filled Nazi intent on persecuting anyone she paints as "liberal."

I hate to break it to ya, Sarah, but Democrats are not the enemy; Republicans are not the enemy. YOU are the enemy. An imbecile with constant television exposure is an extremely dangerous individual. We need to be uniting as a country right now as we plummet toward Armageddon, not dividing ourselves with silly labels like "liberal" and "conservative."

Common sense and wisdom are our most dangerous weapons against bigots like Sarah Palin and the like. Unfortunately, they're both in very short supply...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lambs to the Slaughter

We are lambs riding a conveyor belt heading straight for the grinder.

In another fifty years, human beings will look back on our present-day society and pinpoint the one invention that lead to our downfall. And no, the invention will not be nuclear weapons or any weapon of war. No, they'll look back and see that our downfall was caused by the centerpiece of nearly every living room in the country, the television.

Television has turned our society into observers. No longer are we men and women of action. No we're simply viewers of life, watching it pass us by and every now and then when life brushes past us, we're powerless to act in any significant way.

Last year there was a story in the news about a psycho who attacked a passenger on the subway with a hammer, beat his brains in, and the fellow passengers sat there and watched, doing nothing. When the attack was over, someone walked over and stole the victim's phone.

Life is an interactive experience, people. We watch injustice in the world and we see it happen and yet we do nothing. The problem with the world isn't that there's injustice and evil, it's that no one is willing to do anything about it because it might be inconvenient. Let someone else deal with it. The only problem is that there is no one else. Where's the sacrifice? Where's the sense of the common good? How would we ever win a war on our own soil if another country attacked? Answer: We wouldn't. No one would be willing to put his/her life on the line for the good of the many. Pathetic...

Our entire species is sitting on that conveyor belt, sitting doe-eyed and happily ignorant of the danger awaiting us. And even when there's a voice of reason SCREAMING for us to move, we don't. We sit and watch, all the way until the grinder tears into our flesh and spits us out on the other end.

"Remember that the only thing that Good has to do in order for Evil to be victorious is nothing."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Divided We Fall

Back in the royal courts, it was the jesters who could speak freely about politics and the monarchy without fear of retribution. The same thing could be said today with political comedians like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert being the only bearers of truth on television. The message they delivered yesterday at their political rally/comedy show was one I've been saying for a long time now: The problem with this country isn't Democrats; the problem isn't Republicans. The problem is that United States citizens stand by and allow Washington to destroy this once great country.

The two party system doesn't work and that has never been more clear than right now before midterm elections. We have Republicans blaming Democrats for the poor state of the nation and we've got Democrats blaming Republicans and I think they're both right. They all fucked us - Republican and Democrats alike. The fight shouldn't be between Democrats and Republicans; it should be US vs. THEM. These rich assholes running our country don't know their assholes from a hole in the ground. They've failed us. They've turned our country into a business and we're beyond bankrupt.

The solution is simple: We need a third party. And no, The Tea Party doesn't count because they're just Super Republicans who seem dumber than the normal Republicans. We need a third, independent party whose platform isn't guns or abortion or business but leadership and morality. Individuals within this party won't have to adhere to certain issues in order to please the party. All they'll have to be is a good leader with a sense or morality and whose allegiance is to the people of this country and not to big business or corporate America or even their own party.

But if we're waiting around for our government to create another party and threaten their own stranglehold on this country, we're going to be waiting a long time. Change doesn't come from those already in power. No, it comes from the disenfranchised and those who demand a better future for their children. On Tuesday, it really doesn't matter who you vote for. None of the names on that ballot are going to fix our problems. I'm afraid that's up to us.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

United States of Stupidity

This simple fact is undeniable: America does not value intelligence.

For proof, look at the rise of Sarah Palin. Here is a woman who is a complete imbecile, an uneducated redneck bitch with only a handful of working brain cells rattling around under that beehive hairdo. She's been proven to be an uneducated, inarticulate retard and yet I would not be surprised if this woman become president in 2012. People love her (and when I say people, I'm referring to ignorant, Bible-thumping, gun-toting super-Republicans like the ones being lured into the Tea Party movement). This woman represents the lack of intelligence in this country and how if someone is entertaining, he/she can lead the pathetic lemmings of this country straight over the edge of the cliff.

Our education system is in the crapper. We're falling behind most industrialized nations in the important subjects of math and science. Why? Because intelligence is no longer one of our core values here in America. You want to know what we value? Take a look at the salaries for professional athletes, movie stars, pop singers, and reality dipshits. This is what we value in this country: entertainment. We value these fucking clowns more than any doctor, lawyer, politician, or educator in this country. We all want to sit on our asses and be entertained while the rest of the world surpasses us in every area that matters. What do we produce in this country? Great minds? No. Great leaders? No. Great innovation? No. We are the world's greatest producer of clowns.

Obama is demanding year-round schooling and merit pay for teachers. Sounds like nothing more than rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Changing school schedules and teachers won't help. We have to change our culture first. Our entertainment industries have stereotyped intellectuals as nerds and losers who will never get laid. They do this because typically it's stupid people who watch television. Unfortunately, now these portrayals have seeped into our culture and made being intelligent taboo. When we change our cultural values, then we can lift ourselves up out of our pit of stupidity. Until then, we're destined to wallow in dark with the Sarah Palins of the world.